UNHCR | Famine in Sudan | Support People Forced to Flee

The people of Sudan have endured horrific violence for over a year, and now famine and a cholera outbreak has struck the most vulnerable in multiple locations in Sudan

Your support is urgently needed to deliver life-saving aid, protection, and psychosocial support to those affected.

UNHCR is on the ground throughout the region, meeting refugees after their long journeys and providing them with life-saving support – shelter, safety, and basic supplies- and working to prevent cholera from spreading further.

But as the conflict continues without resolution and the suffering increases, we need your help to scale up our response and meet the rapidly escalating needs. 

All of Sudan’s neighbouring countries impacted by this emergency already have large existing refugee and displaced populations. They are also underfunded and in dire need of resources to support refugee families. We cannot do this without you. 

Donate today.

Photo credit: © UNHCR/Xavier Bourgois

Sudan Famine Appeal

Sudan Emergency

One-off donation: Your one-time donation will support people forced to flee in Sudan and to neighbouring countries.
Monthly donation: With a secure monthly gift, you can support people forced to flee the clashes in Sudan and other emergencies happening around the world.