UNHCR | Brazil Floods Emergency

Heavy rainfall in Rio Grande do Sul has caused catastrophic flooding and destroyed homes. 

Please donate today to provide life-saving relief to families who have lost everything. 

This major climate catastrophe has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes, including many refugees and migrants, mostly from Venezuela and Haiti.  

UNHCR is working with local partners and authorities to support vulnerable people. We urgently need your support to provide families who have lost everything with emergency relief items such as mattresses, blankets, hygiene kits and more.  

Heavy rains and extreme climate events are expected to continue in the coming weeks, putting more lives at risk.  

Please donate today. 

Photo credit: © UNHCR/Eduardo Aigner

Brazil Floods


One-off donation: As the climate crisis worsens, your gift will help provide urgent aid to refugees and displaced people worldwide.
Monthly donation: Consider making a monthly donation. Monthly donations help assist more families forced to flee. By making a regular gift to UNHCR, you can provide refugees and displaced people worldwide with ongoing relief, protection, and hope for a better future.

* In the event that UNHCR's response to the Brazil floods emergency becomes fully funded, your contribution will go to providing life-saving assistance to people forced to flee by emergencies worldwide.