UNHCR | East and Horn of Africa Flooding

Heavy rainfall across the East and Horn of Africa has slammed communities, causing widespread flooding and forcing people to flee their homes. 

Please donate today to provide life-saving relief to families who have lost everything. 

Flooding and landslides across the region including Kenya, Burundi and Somalia have destroyed hundreds of thousands of houses, schools and community buildings. It has washed away crops, and killed livestock, putting people in danger of hunger, infection, and disease. 

UNHCR is on the ground, working directly with governments and local authorities to move people to safer ground and set up emergency shelter. We have already distributed core relief items, but more help is urgently needed. 

Heavy rains and extreme climate events are expected to continue in the coming months, putting more lives at risk.  

Please donate today. 

Photo credit: © UNHCR/Bernard Ntwari

Burundi. Serious floods in Burundi devastate communities


Consider making a monthly donation. Monthly donations help assist more families forced to flee. By making a regular gift to UNHCR, you can provide refugees and displaced people worldwide with ongoing relief, protection, and hope for a better future. 

Donations made directly to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, may not be tax-deductible depending on the country you are in. National laws and regulations applicable to contributions to United Nations agencies vary from country to country. UNHCR partners with dedicated fundraising associations in a number of countries. In such countries, in order to make a tax-deductible donation through these entities, you will need to donate through their individual websites.