Help provide protection and shelter to displaced families in Afghanistan | Globant supporting UNHCR


The newest wave of conflict – the latest in 40 years – has forced more than half a million people from their homes so far in 2021.

The crisis is taking a heavy toll on women and children, who make up 80% of Afghanistan’s internally displaced people. Alongside homelessness and the threat of violence, displaced Afghans are facing drought, food scarcity, COVID-19 and a health system at breaking point.;

Help us prepare for the worst. Please donate now!

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has assisted some 340,000 internally displaced persons in  Afghanistan this year.  This includes providing core relief items, hygiene kits, family tents and other life-saving aid.

As a part of the broader UN country team, we will stay and deliver for the Afghan people for as long as we have access to people in need – but we urgently need your support. 

As winter looms, you can help us ramp our response so that we can help people displaced inside Afghanistan, as well as prepare to respond to refugees forced to flee to neighbouring countries.  

UNHCR Afghanistan situation

Humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan 

By pressing the option "DONATE", you agree that Globant and Fundación ACNUR Argentina will receive your contact and donation detail, to make the Globant Matching effective.

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Make your donation and Globant will match your contribution to double its impact. Select the amount and know what it is equivalent to.

US$ 25

you help to deliver 3 blankets to families affected by the crisis in Afghanistan.

€ 25

you help to deliver 3 blankets to families affected by the crisis in Afghanistan.

US$ 35

we can provide health kits to 3 Afghan family members displaced in Iran.

€ 35

we can provide health kits to 3 Afghan family members displaced in Iran.

US$ 50

we can provide 20 sleeping mattresses to displaced people in Afghanistan.

€ 50

we can provide 20 sleeping mattresses to displaced people in Afghanistan.