English: Ethiopia Emergency One-Off
Urgent! Ethiopia Emergency
Over 47,000 Ethiopian refugees have fled, almost half of them children. Lifesaving assistance is urgently needed.
After enduring a week of violent clashes between federal and regional forces, civilians in the Tigray region of Ethiopia are in crisis. General living and operating conditions inside Tigray are becoming more difficult. Communication networks are down, banking services are halted, roads are blocked and there are shortages of basic supplies.
Fearing for their lives and the lives of their families, thousands of children, women and men have been forced to flee into Sudan. Most people travelled with nothing. They have left behind their belongings. They are often separated from their families.
Please help today.
We urgently need to scale up our supplies so that we are ready to respond as the situation worsens.
Since the beginning of November, more than 47,000 refugees have arrived in Sudan exhausted and scared and are being sheltered in transit centers near the border. Water and meals are being provided and UNHCR and the Sudanese authorities are working around the clock to set up a new refugee site to shelter them.
The needs are growing by the day and more support is urgently needed. We cannot do this alone, please help today.
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